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NOTE: I'm not sure, if any of those links is legit or scam.
So if you loose money, it's NOT my fault!

Other Link-Collections

+ - Name Last Check Verified
1 0 CoreDir - Scam Fight Directory
00 Dark Web Links
00 DarkNet Link Directory
00 Darknet Links
00 Deep Links Dump
00 DeepLink Onion Directory Verified by TorLinks
00 HD Wiki
00 Hidden Links
00 Hidden Wiki 2019
00 Hidden Wiki Fresh
00 HIDDEN WIKI FRESH 2021 Verified by TorLinks
00 HST
00 Links Tor
00 MegaLinks Verified by TorLinks
00 MegaLinks Verified by TorLinks
00 Nightmare Girl
00 Onion Dir
00 Onion Link Directory Verified by TorLinks
00 Onion Link List
00 OnionCommunity
00 OnionLinks
00 OnionList
00 OnionSocial
00 OnionTree
00 Pauls Onion List
00 Raptor
00 Tasty Onions
00 The Deep Dark Net
00 The Hidden Index
00 The Hidden Wiki
00 The Hidden Wiki 1
00 The Hidden Wiki 2
00 The Hidden Wiki 3
00 The hidden Wiki 4
00 The Hidden Wiki 5
00 The longest and least useful onion indes in the galaxy
00 The Uncensored Hidden Wiki 1
00 The Uncensored Hidden Wiki 2
00 Top Onion Sites 2022
00 TopicLinks
00 Tor Link List Verified by TorLinks
00 TorGrid
00 TorHidden.Wiki
00 TorLinks
00 TorNode
00 TorNode
00 Under Dir
00 [LIST] Dark Web Navigation

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Note: BlackButterfly666's Link-Collection is not liable for the ads!

Search Engines

+ - Name Last Check Verified
1 0 AHMIA Verified by TorLinks
1 0 Dark Web Links
00 Deep Search Verified by TorLinks
00 DeepLink
00 Demon Search Engine Verified by TorLinks
1 0 DuckDuckGo Verified by TorLinks
1 0 DuckDuckGo search (Partner of DuckDuckGo)
00 Fresh Onions
00 Grams
00 Lighter
1 0 NotEvil
00 Onion Search Engine
00 Onion Search Engine 2
00 Onion Search Engine 3
00 SenTor
00 Sentor
00 Submarine
00 Toogle
00 Tor Light
00 Tor Searchengine
1 0 Tor66 Verified by TorLinks
00 TorBot
1 0 Torch Verified by TorLinks
00 TorDex Verified by TorLinks
00 Tormax
00 VisiTOR

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Note: BlackButterfly666's Link-Collection is not liable for the ads!


+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 Arab News
00 BBC News
00 BuzzFeed News
00 DarkNet Live
00 Darknet-Inside
00 DarkRebel News (CLEARWEB!)
00 DarkWebNews
00 Deep Dot Web
00 DeepWebFeed (with JS)
00 DeepWebFeed (without JS)
00 Deutsche Welle
00 flashlight Verified by TorLinks
00 New York Times
00 SoylentNews
00 Tape
00 The Onion Web
00 Tor Magazine

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Note: BlackButterfly666's Link-Collection is not liable for the ads!


+ - Name Last Check Verified
1 0 CTemplar
00 DNMX - DarkNet Mail Exchange Verified by TorLinks
00 JabJab - Jabber for all
00 Mail2Tor
00 Mork
00 NULL Message
00 Protonmail Verified by TorLinks
00 SecMail Verified by TorLinks
00 SecTor.City
00 TorBox
00 TorMail Verified by TorLinks
00 Underwoods Mail

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Social Networks

+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 Atlayo
00 BlackBook / Connect
00 Cave Tor
00 darknetstreet
00 Facebook
00 FaceTor
00 Freespeech
00 Fuck Society
00 Galaxy 3
00 GuanXi (PSN 3.0)
00 MariaFalls
00 Postor
00 Psycho Social Network
00 Ramble
00 Red Asocial
00 Society
00 Torbook
00 Torscape

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+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 Alien Forum
00 AnonBlogs
00 Best Carding World
00 Breaking Bad
00 Connext - Le Monde Parallele V2
00 Crime Network
00 Dark Net Forum
00 Dark Web Forums
00 DeepTalk
00 Deutsche Forengemeinschaft
00 Deutschland im Deep Web 2
00 Deutschland im Deep Web 3
00 Deutschland im Untergrund
00 Deutschland im Zwiebelnetz
00 Dread Verified by TorLinks
00 German Austrian DW Forum
00 Go Beyond
00 Helium Forum
00 Hidden Answers
00 InfoCroc
00 IntelExchange
00 Raddle
00 Satriale's Forum
00 The dear, old Dark Web
00 The Stock Insiders
00 TruthBoard

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+ - Name Last Check Verified
1 0 Black Hat Chat
00 Chat A Box
00 Chat with strangers
00 Chatter Box
00 Converse (Systemli,org)
1 0 Daniel's Chat
00 EvilRocket Chat
00 JitJat
00 MadIRC
00 MEGAtor - Chat
00 SMS4Tor
00 Snow Chat
00 Sonar

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File Hosting

+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 AeternasHost
00 Anarplex
1 0 BlackCloud
00 BlueAgent
00 CarrotHosting
00 Dark Notes
00 ES Simple Uploader
00 FileBox
00 Ice.Blue
00 Image Hosting
00 LibertyClouds
00 MEGAtor
00 Paste-Link
00 PasteBox
00 PasteOnion
00 Real Hosting
00 Secret Cloud
00 simply
00 Tofu
00 Tor Hosting
00 Tor Shop
00 TorPaste
00 TorShops

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+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 (kn)owledge
00 Aktion Freiheit statt Angst
00 Anonym im Web
00 Bitcoin Mixer
00 BridgeDB
00 BrowseInfo
00 DarkNet Trust
00 DNM Bible
00 Dr. Kox (SCAM!)
00 Elude
00 ID-Check
00 nulltrace PGP services
00 Onion List
00 Onion List
00 Onion Scanner
00 PasswordFox
00 Paster Ninja
00 PrivacyTools
00 Secure Password Generator
00 The Anti-Phishing Detector
00 Tor Note
00 Tor Scam List
00 Tor Scam List 2
00 Tor Scam List 3
00 xmrguide

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Note: BlackButterfly666's Link-Collection is not liable for the ads!


Always check the vendor on Darknet Trust before you buy!

+ - Name Last Check Verified OnionScanner
0 1 Anon.Cat 1 -
00 Anon.Cat 2 -
00 Anon.Cat 3 -
00 Anon.Cat 4 -
00 Anon.Cat 5 -
1 0 Archetyp Market
Onion Scanner Trust Score
00 Buy BTC Miners, documents & certificate -
00 Cannazon (1) -
00 Cannazon (2) -
00 Cannazon (3) -
00 DarkWay (SCAM!) -
00 DutchDrugz's -
00 Empire Market (SCAM!)
Onion Scanner Trust Score
00 Imperial (SCAM!)
Onion Scanner Trust Score
00 La Ruta Blanca -
00 On-Line Market (SCAM!) -
00 OTX 0day Marketplace (SCAM!) -
00 The BrotherHood (SCAM!)
Onion Scanner Trust Score
00 Thief -
00 White House Market (1) -
00 White House Market (2) -
00 White House Market (3) -
00 White House Market (4) -
00 White House Market (5) -
00 White House Market (6) -
00 White House Market (7) -
00 White House Market (8) -
00 White House Market (9) -
00 World of Cards (SCAM!) -

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Whistle Blowing

+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 CIA E-Mail Accounts
00 Cryptome
00 DeepPaste
00 Doxbin
00 Intel Repository
00 NSA Traitors Home Addresses
00 Police Information Database
00 Secure Drop
00 TruthLeaks
00 WikiLeaks

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+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 BlackHost
00 Free Society
00 Hack Town
00 Hacker Community Verified by TorLinks
00 Hacker for Hire
00 Index of Music
00 Keybase
00 Onion Share
00 Pathfinder Verified by TorLinks
00 QubesOS
00 The Pirate Bay
00 There is no Place like
00 Torum Two dot Zero
00 Whonix

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+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 Anarchist Bookstore
00 beatnix
00 Comic Book Library
00 DarkLib
00 Imperial Library of Trantor
00 Just another library
00 Liberated books and papers
00 Librería Tor
00 Negima (NEW)
00 Negima (OLD)
00 The Hidden Wiki 1 - Library
00 The Library
00 TorBooks
00 XComics
00 Z-Library

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Tor Webdesign

+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 Creating Private Onion Services
00 Deep Web Hosting
00 Hosting/Web/File/Image - The Hidden Wiki 1
00 IntelExchange (TOPIC)

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+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 AnonUK Radio
00 Candy Tubs
1 0 Dark Video
00 Darknet City
00 DarkTubey
00 Deep Web Radio
00 Euro Buk Simulator 2014
00 Invidious
00 OnionSound
00 OnionTube
00 Radio City
00 Ràdio Deep Web
00 Snake
00 View source for Audio/Music Streams - The Uncensored Hidden Wiki 2

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Dark Web Myths

+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 Daisy's Desturction
00 ISIS Red Room
00 Low Price Access to the Shadow Web
00 Mystery Boxes
00 Red Room 1
00 Red Room 2
00 Sad Satan
00 Shadow Web Gateway 2.0 (CACHED SITE)
00 Shadow Web Gateway Download for 0.0134596 BTC (100$) (CLEARWEB!)
00 Shadow Web Gateway Download for 0.5 BTC (CLEARWEB!)
00 Unlimited Acess to the Shadow Web (CACHED SITE)

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+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 Daniel
00 Deep Web Jobs
00 Feather - Monero Wallet
00 Fuck Facebook
00 Internet Wayback Machine
00 Onionland's Museum
00 PsychonautWiki
00 QR Code Generator
00 QRCDR - QR-Code Generator
00 Tech Learning Collective
00 The Home Gunsmith
00 TOR Guide
00 TorStatus
00 Universal Encoding Tool

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+ - Name Last Check Verified
00 16Chan
00 4keks
00 8kun
00 Alokal
00 antares.chan

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